Music Department

The Department of Music, which met with its first students in the 2002-2003 academic year, was updated in September 2017 with a program change in its undergraduate and graduate programs, taking into account national and international requirements, and adopted a music-scientific approach based on a music-scientific approach beyond the artistic notion attributed to music and open to interaction with different disciplines. With courses focusing on the theoretical, cultural, and historical dimensions of music, it is aimed for students to perceive music from a broad scientific perspective beyond just instrumental repertoire and musical performance. The program, which deals with Turkish and world instruments and music with a balanced practical and theoretical understanding, aims to enable students to evaluate the phenomenon of music from a holistic artistic-scientific perspective. Graduates of the department can embark on academic life with active domestic and international graduate programs, as well as work in the fields of education, musical production, the music-media sector, etc.

Graduation Project Writing Guide 2022

Name Surname / Title e-mail Telephone Intercom
Prof. Dr. Cengiz ŞENGÜL (Bölüm Bşk.)  (0242) 2274400 4225
Prof. Dr. Sibel PAŞAOĞLU YÖNDEM (0242) 3106276 6276
Prof. Dr. Gökmen ÖZMENTEŞ (0242) 3106267 6267
Assoc. Prof. Hazan KURTASLAN (0242) 2274400 4204
Lec. Ebru DOĞAN AKTAŞ (0242) 3106268 6268
Lec. Ayşegül TULUMCU (0242) 2274400 4203
Lec. Alev TÜRKAN ÖZCAN (0242) 3106292 6292
Res. Assist. Begüm Fulya ADIZEL (0242) 2274400 6283
Res. Assist. Ümran Ezgi GÜLEKEN (0242) 2274400 4218
Eklenme tarihi :19.07.2023 14:19:00
Son güncelleme : 19.07.2023 14:19:16